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Monday, September 07, 2009

Risk, Art and Hands

Self portrait

This is the photo that got me inspired. It is a Minkkinen "Self Portrait" done in his distinctive abstract style. I love this photo. I love how the two hands form a new shape, and how they seem poised to touch, but dont. The background plays a role in adding to the mood. And the tree is shaped like the arm. Or is it that the arm follows the shape of the tree? Once one begins to look deeper, there are questions as to how the shot was created. If it is a self portrait, how did Minkkinen shoot it?

On reading up on Minkkinen, I soon realised that my first assumption that these couldnt be self portraits, was wrong. He states that he took all his own photos. Its a tricky process, made even more difficult when done on a film camera, as his shots are. No digital memory cards of infinite quantities. Limited film meant limited opportunities to get the shot right.

Minkinnen quotes Georges Braque :"Out of limitations, new forms emerge." Minkkinen says that "Art is risk made visible". He meant that instead of being limited by his restrictions, he used them to make himself grow. And to take better photographs. He risked more, to create his art.

This is a philosophy that resonates with me profoundly. I have many limitations myself - my camera equipment, or the lack therof, my lack of experience and my lack of training. Yet in Minkkinen's eyes, these limitations should free me, and make me grow. I should be happy to take the risk, just to create art.

Its a kind of reverse phsycology that makes sense to me, somehow.

With this in mind, I have tried to 'copy' Minkkinen's photo. Its not easy - trying to explain philosophy and theory, while also getting the hand shape correct, to my 'models' Michele and Tanika was difficult! After a few shots where my 'models' attempted to 'strike the pose' but failed, I just took a deep breath, and let the process flow. I let them do what they wanted. I took many shots, with all sorts of hand poses. .


I didnt get the exact pose as the Minkkinen photo above, but I think Imight have got an even better pose. When I got back home, and looked on the computer, I realised that I had captured a lot of detail in the fingers and hands. Coverting to black and white made the character of the hands stand out even more. The light from the sun, and the flash, created an interesting contrast. I had also over exposed for the sky, so had created a strong background colour for the hands.


I think I got a magical shot. Their hands look amazing and I love the detail.

I am hoping to take many more hand shots. Right now, I am enjoying the challenge and the reward of creating something incredible out of something as simple as a hand.

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